Going Corporate

Midelt bethcomicforweb

We have a special treat for you today, Withers, in the form of another webcomic milestone for “With the Band”: our first Guest Comic!

Today’s strip comes to you thanks to the brilliant writing of one of my former students, Beth Crandall, and the beautiful artwork of her Significant Other, Chris Miller! Beth and Chris are currently working on their own webcomic, an epic science fiction graphic novel with the working title “Corporates.” It’s not yet ready to go live, but I’ve seen pages, and it looks like it’s going to be magnificent! We’ll absolutely keep you posted here when it goes live!

I love what Beth and Chris did while playing in my small self-centered universe! Beth’s gag captures me perfectly (perhaps TOO perfectly?): I did, in fact, ask Santa for both those things, and once again, I’ve been sadly disappointed (on the up side, I have plenty of fuel to heat the house again this year!). Somehow Chris made Rob look simultaneously more like me and Neil Diamond, despite the fact that he’s never met me (and presumably has never met Neil Diamond, but I could be mistaken there), and I’m intensely jealous of his backgrounds, as they look like actual rooms, rather than the cheesy fades I use to hide the fact that I can’t draw for crap. In fact, my only complaint about this strip is that the art is almost too good! I hope you can all stand to return to my “style” come the new year!

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